• four season bora bora    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 四季園宜蘭民宿


      電話:    地址:二結村二結路28-1號 礁溪鄉, 宜蘭縣 262 Taiwan
    2. 四季田幼兒園

      Four Seasons Academy is an excellent work force providing great opportunities of professional growth in this career. The school is surrounded by the Nature and located in an upscale community. It is just 10 minutes away from Hsin-Chu Science Park.

      電話:03-5830955    地址:新竹縣竹東鎮學府東路337號
    3. Season kitchen 亞廚歐陸餐廳

      SEASONS KITCHEN 歐陸餐廳 我們是一間新成立的餐廳,地點位於台北市東區的sogo百貨與微風廣場之間 正在尋找我們 的工作夥伴!! 真誠的邀請和我們一樣 喜歡美食 樂於服務 充滿活力的你 一起加入!!

      電話:02-27781997    地址:台北市大安區復興南路一段107巷5弄13號1F
    4. 四季整合行銷有限公司

      四季整合行銷有限公司熱情。創新。誠信 FOUR SEASON 活動公關界最閃亮的一顆新星四季有一群樂觀積極的活力團隊,我們希望能把快樂的氛圍與專業的服務帶給每一位客戶,我們盡心達到客戶的需求,做最有力之後盾,為客戶提供全方...

      電話:02-89922212    地址:新北市新莊區思源路287巷1弄25號
    5. 南京鳗部

      ...we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright ...

      電話:02-37652127    地址:台北市松山區南京east rd 五段23巷6弄8号

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